

New Social Contract

Welcome to the new world order. This is a period of dislocation, instability and reevaluation. Old assumptions are on trial. We are all searching for new model of understanding.

We are in the phase of transition – where things are happening simultaneously.  Where the unimaginable happens. The evolution of social contract and the search for continuity is phased out against an exploding knowledge economy where everything is up for grabs. The historical precedents no longer hold… the lion is sleeping with the lamb, affordability has beenmarried to luxury,60 years old women can have babies, the pandemic is challenging our lives, the greed is eroding our civilization, the powerful are crumbling.

We have been trained that there are certain boundaries, we have been trained that things continue in the direction they are going …linearly. We leaned about business and economy like we learn chess – one ,move at a time, one opponent , slow and considered. Unfortunately we are in a three dimensional game where more than one piece can move at a time. We need new strategies, we need new tools and new measurements. In addition to the normal competitive game there are three new dimensions we must consider. Whether we like it or not we have all entered into a New Social Contract. We are organizing around and operating within a knowledge based economy. We are in real time and are subject to “real speak” where our words and actions are under intense scrutiny.
The New Social Contract is a result of the rising expectations of today’s global citizens joined with an escalating ethical debate. People want more. I want to feel good about what I purchase. I want to feel good about the company and brand I support. Those I work for and those I buy from, the government I believe and the spiritual leader I trust. In return for my loyalty and trust. I want to be treated fairly with integrity and transparency, I want to know the truth. Don’t lie to me. People need more. I need to be trained. I need support taking care of my children, understanding at the minimum. I need to be protected.