

Transitioning the modern age into the Kurunopia Age

The world has changed and so has everyone in it. Society has created an environment that changes faster than individuals within it can adapt. Very little that has come before can prepare one for what is ahead. Waves of technical advancement have caught up to the dreams of the future and run ahead. Nations, business and cultural leaders, politicians and citizens alike lag in their ability to manage effectively in this period of disruption.
The core mission of the TRS Foundation is to create a biologically interconnected sustainable society that governed by sustainable compassion and ethics, and implemented through the TRS Pillars. Through the foundation of the six pillars and its flexible, concentric circles of behavioral tools and operation principles, TRS will be able to extracts the best-in-class innovations, knowledge, wisdom, and ideas, and cross-pollinate them to establish sets of new blueprints for horizontal collaboration among varying disciplines. This collaboration creates interconnectivity from which society can benefit to dramatically advance innovation, and new ideas as the new essential building blocks for the foundation of future sustainable society.
With the recognition that we must improve and hasten social contract as the major avenue to societal change, TRS’ programs and campaigns represent a vision for a new society to stimulate all of us to think deeply about the issue with regards to our civilization, and to enlist participation in our joint quest for understanding. No one can have all the answers; they will arise from our common learning enterprise. Out ultimate mission will be to design a new society that provides quality of life while coexisting in a long-term sustainable relationship with the natural environment that nourishes it.
Total Role in Society platform is the foundation and behavioral principles of society’s positive contribution to those within its functioning environment. A society’s sole responsibility is no longer limited to maximization growth value for its citizens but also to monitor and positively affect its impact on people, community, environment and whomever it touches.
In addition to our our core mission and charitable programs, our team of ambassadors also work with other NGOs, Governments, Corporations and Nations to develop foundations and infrastructures necessary to exponentially improve positive impacts of their role in society.